Travel Guide My Home In Biarritz Get to know My Home In Biarritz

Useful numbers

You should be always careful by having a small notebook containing useful numbers when planning to travel. To do this, we have prepared a list of contacts you will need to notify in case of trouble ... Here they are:

To notify the competent authorities:

Emergency ambulance service: 15



Missing children: 17

Commissariat of Biarritz, av Joseph Petit, 64200 BIARRITZ: 05 59 01 22 22

For the problems of medical orders, the following numbers are to be called:


Dr HENRY (AHETZE): 05 59 41 87 98

Dr. DARRIGRAND or ROOM: 05 59 54 93 08

Pharmacy in 2 pl of the church, 64210 Bidart: 05 59 54 91 95

Dentist LARRE av Atherbea, 64210 Bidart: 05 59 54 90 50

Nursing Center: 05 59 54 91 67Anti-poison center of Bordeaux: 05 56 96 40 80

Hospital Bayonne: 05 59 44 35 35

Clinic Saint Jean de Luz-Emergencies: 05 59 51 63 68

To contact the SOS Medecins: 36 24 (0.15 € / mn).

Emergency numbers by SMS or Fax for people who are deaf or hard of hearing: 114

Other useful numbers:

The number to type to help homeless individuals on Biarritz is 115

The telephone reception service for children at risk in the BIARRITZ agglomeration is: 119.

The phone number set up for families of missing children on BIARRITZ is: 116 000.

To know which is the pharmacy on guard on BIARRITZ contact the audiotel service: 32 37 (cost of the call + 0,35 € / min).

SNCF station Biarritz: 05 59 22 19 19EDF: 0810 333 716

Taxis: 05 59 54 90 03Ambulances: 05 59 24 77 77/05 59 41 18 00

Departmental weather: 08 36 68 02 64Weather seaside and coast: 08 36 68 08 64

Various numbers:

The GRDF gas safety service center on BIARRITZ at: 08 00 47 33 33.

On BIARRITZ the number: 08 92 68 32 08 (€ 0.35 per minute), allows to immediately oppose a check.

To immediately oppose his credit card CB on BIARRITZ call: 08 92 70 57 05 (0,35 € per minute).

The number to reach the town hall on BIARRITZ is: 05 59 41 59 41.

To join your Family Allowance Fund (CAF) on the city BIARRITZ dial: 08 10 25 01 10 for the cost of the call + 0.06 € / min from a landline.

To call your Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) or your Universal Health Cover Center (CMU) on BIARRITZ call: 36 46 (0.06 € / min + call price).

To call your Pôle Emploi center on BIARRITZ contact: 39 49.

The telephone number to reach France Telecom Orange on BIARRITZ is: 39 00.

If you want to contact the post on BIARRITZ dial the number: 36 31.

Airport Customer Service: 08 90 43 48 72Flight schedule: 08 90 43 48 72

Lost luggage airports: 08 90 43 48 72Sida Info Service: 800
