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Festival Le Temps d’aimer

Despite the fact that there is no age or period to feel happy and captivated, here comes the Festival Le Temps d'aimer, mainly centered on dance in Biarritz ... Between the daily routine and the concerns monopolizing life, it is essential to allow oneself time to marvel, to jubilate and give free rein to one's imagination by going through gay or serious decorations.

Friedrich Nietzsche said: "Lost is the day we did not dance once". Somewhere in a corner of the heart, it seems, we always have the sensation of being 20 years old ... It is therefore essential to waltz day after day, but also to meet and get together to celebrate delicious euphoria when it comes the time to commemorate an art that changes us, bewilder and comfort us.

It is not necessary to be a connoisseur to love the Festival Le Temps d'aimer in Biarritz. Getting carried away by your movements will do the trick! During the celebration, let yourself be guided by your energy and immerse yourself in the grace of dance. The consecration privileges especially the choreographic art in Biarritz which is declined in moult versions and philosophical.

The Festival Le Temps d'aimer is an invitation to discover the diversity of the biarrote dance that essentially marks the event. Conceptual and other more abstract concerts are presented by experienced and distinguished artists. Those who are launched to participate come from the region, from France and even from abroad. They all have one thing in common ... They dance the world of today as they apprehend it!

Classical and modern demonstrations will be on the menu in theaters and concert halls, but also, from time to time, in the open air. A brief overview of the choreographic paths of the South: the Festival Le Temps d'aimer devotes and showcases dance. She welcomes prestigious artists who rarely add up on the metropolis.

Numerous languages, elocution and daring will animate the Festival which has the great concept to appreciate, with nobility and generosity, all kinds of dances from all over the world especially in Biarritz!
