Travel Guide My Home In Biarritz Get to know My Home In Biarritz

The geography of Biarritz

On the Atlantic coast, Biarritz stands out at the furthest limit of the sandy area of ​​Aquitaine demarcated at the extreme north of the Gironde. The city also marks the cliffs of the Basque Country to the south.

Surrounded by several hills, the city is decorated, on its borders, by a delightful sequence of bays and various marine areas whose large beach, the coast of the Basques and the harbor of the fishermen are the most appreciated and most valued by the largest number of tourists.

The city of Biarritz is, at the moment, joined to the Basque province of Labourd. Also, it is estimated as the extreme southern tip of the area of ​​authority of Gascon, and of course Gascony.

The city has a small area of ​​only 11.68 square kilometers. Biarritz is located in the south-west of French territory and is located less than 20 km from the border on horseback between Spain and the metropolis.

To reach this place, one must also pass along the Basque Coast as well as the hollow of the Bay of Biscay. The town of Biarritz is one of the most visited tourist spots in the Basque province of Labourd. It is also a member of the urban area of ​​Bayonne.

Its geological situation is rather particular and extremely rare. To the north, the Landes coast ends in Anglet on nearly 200 km of rectilinear cornices and lower which are formed of exceptional sand dunes. This creates the presence of almost continuous beach that begins from the tip of Grave.

The Basque coast that is marked from the city of Biarritz is however much more undulating and is mainly composed of cliffs and rocks with diverse aspects. On 5 km of escarpment, we can distinguish 3 successive sedimentary layers.
